My advice

Dear Basketball Girl,

I think your team’s passion about winning blinded them to the fact they were neglecting you. I wouldn’t take it personally as they all just want the best results for your team. Then again they need to take the fact that it is your first year in the team into consideration because they could have been a bit too harsh on the feedback about your game play.  

I think the best thing to do at the moment is train by yourself (as well as with the team) to gain more confidence.  Once you can see progress in your basketball skills, I’m sure the rest of your team will as well. Then you can all put everything behind you and have a great rest of your season!

I hope that this email gave you a better insight about your problem.

Best of luck!


Tomorrow When the War Began

Imagine going on a trip with your friends… A chance to get away from the rest of the world and just have fun with the people you enjoy being around the most. Sounds pretty fun, right? Well little do you know that while you are away from civilisation there is a start of something. Something that could effect your entire future.

In the novel “Tomorrow When the War Began” we are reading in class we are introduced to a group of friends, Ellie, Robyn, Corrie, Fiona/Fi, Homer, Lee and Kevin. They’re on their way to start making memories when


Year 9 reflections

As a year 9 there was a lot of having to get used to new things such as finding your classes, having a different teacher for each subject and only having 45 minutes of each period. It was a big change from coming from a little primary school where you only had one teacher in one classroom for the entire day. There were tons more opportunities, both physical and intellectual. I joined the netball team, Arataki and took up free-diving. Trying out new options to help us decide what we wanted to pick for year 10 was fun. It was an opportunity to talk to people outside of your form class and have fun at the same time.

My Math Goals

Congratulations, you have made it to Term 4! Think of how you want to make sure you make the most of this term to set you up for Year 10. 

Scroll down for an example.


  • Answer the following questions

  • Check for spelling and punctuation!

  • Email nys@boic when you have completed your post. Then you can post once it is checked!

  • Copy and paste to your blog

  • Post to your blog!



Kia ora, we have been setting goals to prepare us for Year 10. Below are my goals:


  1. One piece of advice for myself this year is to give myself time to study and revise for any upcoming tests. 

  2. One thing I was proud of from last term was passing the geometry test.

  3. My main focus for the next three weeks is to keep up on the work so I can be somewhat prepared for year 10.


  1. When I need help I know to ask for help from peers to try and have a better understanding of the work and if that doesn’t work, then ask the teacher.

  2. At the end of this term, I want to be able to say that I achieved my goal of passing all my tests.

  3. These are my action steps to help me get there:

  • Re-inforce what we have been learning in class on IXL.

  • Give myself enough time to study and revise instead of leaving it until the last minute.

  • One piece of advice for myself this year is to make sure my chromebook is fully charged.


  • One thing I was proud of from last year is that I passed my Geometry assessment with a Merit.


  • My main focus this term is to try and prepare myself better for tests and ask the teacher for extra help.


  • When I need help I know to ask my friend Mina for help or email the teacher.


  • At the end of this term, I want to be able to say that I achieved my goal of knowing my times tables off by heart right up to 13 times tables.


  • My action steps to get there are:


  • Making sure I complete all tasks in class time

  • If I am away, I complete the online learning so I don’t fall behind

  • Study for my upcoming tests

  • Use IXL every night

  • I email Whaea Narelle with problems that I have

  • I ask my buddy Mina for help if I need it

  • Asking my Dad to test me for my times tables

Determination creates success.

My speeches main focus is showing where determination can get you, and I thought why not talk about someone who fought hard for what they wanted and whom I to which find inspirational.




Rhetorical questions





Determination creates success.

What is success considered as? Is it owning your own house, making your own money or even just getting along in life? The definition of success is not only showing that only that you have achieved something, but the hard work you have put in to get where you are. If you really wanted to be a successful person in what you strive for but did not want to work hard for it, where would that get you? NOWHERE! 

On June 12th 1964 Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment. This was caused by him making an iconoclastic decision to rebel against the domination of South Africa’s racially motivated prejudice. He spent over 17 years in prison and in all of this time he did not withdraw from fighting for equality of all races. After this undeserved period of time 11th February 1990 Frederik Willem De Klerk (a south African politician) released anti apartheid activists such as Nelson back into society.


Now most of you will be thinking to yourself who the heck is that?  Well, after his attempts to overthrow the state, with the help of De Klerk they led efforts to negotiate an end on the unfair,u


Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga


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